Data and figures on CLMV

CLMV Outlook 2019

Macroeconomic Outlook Country In Focus: Key Macro & Socio-economic situations • Cambodia • Laos • Myanmar • Vietnam

– CLMV economic growth will likely slow to around 6% in 2020 and beyond, and downside risks have become more pronounced.
– The global economic slowdown - caused by trade conflicts – has had
spillover effects on CLMV economies through slowing exports.
– The current trade war is likely to accelerate production relocation
trends to CLMV in the coming years, mainly to Vietnam.
– Going forward, key risks to CLMV are a sharper-than-expected global
economic slowdown, especially in China, and country-specific
challenges such as the potential loss of EBA in Cambodia and
Myanmar, public debt sustainability in Laos, and US tariffs on Vietnam.

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