Page 22 - Agricultural innovation
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By this method, only solid wastes and wastewater can be treated in large volumes and are highly
dependent on the storage capacity of the biogas tanksr compared to the large volume of farm waste.
On average, each pig produces about 2 kg of manure a day along with urine, cleaning water, leftovers,
etc. In particular, odor pollution cannot be solved.
Figure 5. Sewage receiving system before biogas tank
Source: Huetronics
Measures to reduce odors on the farm have been controlled through the use of EM microorganisms
along with the placement of air filters and exhaust fans. Feed for pigs will be mixed with EM solution
at a dose of 100 ml/60 kg of feed and poured into the drinking water (100 ml/day when cleaning the
barn). In addition, the pig house is sprayed with EM solution (concentration of 1 liter of EM/50 liters of
clean water) 1–2 times/day. After a period of time, the smell and air pollution are reduced.
Figure 6. Wastewater treatment system after biogas tank
Nguồn: Huetronics
Agricultural Innovation Review in CLV Countries 15