Page 39 - Agricultural innovation
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development under the public-private partnership (PPP) model, contributing to the development
of Vietnam’s agriculture and rural development.
• From 2011 to present: Nestlé has continuously maintained a seedling distribution channel to
support farmers and the Government in the program of replanting old coffee areas. Introduction
of farming model according to Good Agricultural Practices (GAP/NBFP-NESCAFÉ Better
Farming Practices).
During more than 10 years of implementation in several Central Highlands provinces, the NESCAFÉ
Plan has supported farmers to replant 63,000 hectares of old coffee areas, distributing more than 63
million high-quality coffee seedlings to farmers. farmers and help save 40–60% of irrigation water and
reduce 20% of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The NESCAFÉ Plan program has organized and
trained more than 330,000 farmers on sustainable farming, helping more than 21,000 farmers achieve
4C international coffee certification, thereby contributing to improving 30–100% of income of farmers.
This model focuses on 3 main goals: maintaining regenerative agriculture, ensuring sustainable
supply and improving living standards through GAP and NBNF (NESCAFÉ Better Farming Practices)
with training for coffee growers, building model gardens and organizing visits to exchange experiences.
Some of the key agricultural practices that farmers need to adopt to conserve and restore farmland,
ecosystems, and important resources such as soil, biodiversity, and water including:
1. Cover tree 10. Green fences and buffers
2. Crop rotation and crop diversity 11. IPM and biological control
3. Soil cover and tree cover 12. Smart farming
4. Limit plowing the land 13. Processing and preserving organic
5. Organic fertilizers fertilizers
6. Irrigation technology 14. Herd management
7. Create a buffer zone 15. Integrated pasture and livestock
8. Integrated Nutrition Management management strategy
9. Intercropping 16. Synthetic landscape model
As such, Nestle’s agricultural model clearly identifies the three main resources of any agricultural
system including land, water, and biodiversity which are the heart of collective restoration actions. The
priority actions are to use more diverse production systems, to integrate livestock and to operate across
the landscape: all supported by science-based agronomic and biological principles. Incorporating
livestock provides the opportunity to improve nutrient cycling and optimize returns on soil and
biomass, while minimizing environmental impact. Farmers here play a central role. They are the ones
who manage resources and make decisions and activities tailored to their particular circumstances.
The project of regenerative agriculture in coffee trees in the Central Highlands has brought a
number of positive changes to the development of this industry in the future:
Table 2. Main changes in Model “Regenerative Agriculture”
Before the Nescafe Plan Project Since the Nescafe Plan Project
• Traditional production has no specific standards • Practice 4C standards to achieve 4C farmers
• Old coffee, poor agricultural practices • Sustainable coffee development program
• Drought, lack of water, depleted irrigation water • Distributing seedlings to download soup
• Lack of water for irrigation to lower the groundwater level • Farming according to GAP standards good agricultural practice
• Picking green eggplant • Microbiological fertilizer application
• Crushed to dry • Water saving water
• Low quality • Reasonable interspersed
• Low income • Ripe picking
• Increased income
Source: Nescafe Plan
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