Page 43 - Agricultural innovation
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for donors and partners to implement the program’s objectives; and propose and direct
relevant public sector units in the locality to actively and effectively participate/support in the
implementation process.
• International and domestic production and purchasing companies such as JDE Group, ACOM
Company, Simexco Company, LDC Group, Inter-Job Enterprise, Hanh Thinh Enterprise, Hoang
Thang Company... with the role as the links of the export product supply chain, from agents,
coffee purchasing companies, and roasters around the world, have signed strong commitments
in responsible production and purchasing duty. This private sector is responsible for contributing
the reciprocal funding and human resources to implement the objectives of the PPI Compact
Program; focus on completing survey activities, selecting and building new coffee landscape
clusters, expanding existing landscape clusters, supporting capacity building for cooperatives,
establishing new cooperatives, establishing teams agricultural services, establishing/supporting
farmers to access credit sources for agricultural production; commitment to off-sell products
for farmers participating in ISLA Programs/Landscape Clusters/Cooperatives, SDM Program
and households participating in PPI Compact with district People’s Committees; and coordinate
with the district People’s Committee in implementing PPI Compact Program activities and
participating in the district PPI Compact Program Steering Committee member.
• National and international organizations such as the Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH),
the Netherlands Development Organization (SNV), the Global Coffee Platform (GCP), the
German International Cooperation Organization (GIZ) and many other NGOs, socio-political
organizations with the role of supporting the design of innovative intervention solutions, suitable
to the characteristics of each unit; successfully connect locally with major international buyers
and the VSA Global Steering Committee and update relevant guidelines related to organizational
and international sustainability goals; These organizations are responsible for contributing
and investing funds to deploy and replicate the raw material area: the Sustainable Agriculture
Transformation Project (VnSAT), the EU’s EUR 5 million project coordinated by UNDP, the
Project Australia’s $3.5 million funded by ACIAR, SNV’s $1.5 million “No Deforestation”
Project...; and professional support and knowledge in the implementation process.
Landscape coffee model (VSA) has a certain difference with farming models according to
certificates/certifications of other commodities (Table 3).
In Krong Nang, Dak Lak province, the pilot model of a large-scale coffee raw material area has
been confirmed to have been implemented in a part of Ea Toh, Ea Tan and Dlie Ya communes with a
total area of about 5,200ha/4,000 households. This region is not demarcated by administrative borders
but by sourcing borders for coffee products. This entire area of 5,200 ha is linked by the sole business
of Simexco Company through cooperatives and small traders.
The model was conducted based on the content of the MOU signed in August 2019 between
IDH and related parties, including Krong Nang District People’s Committee, Ea Toh Commune
People’s Committee, Ea Tan Commune People’s Committee, Dlie Ya Commune People’s Committee,
Representative VnSAT Dak Lak project, Jacobs Douwe Egberts Company (JDE), Dak Lak 2/9 Import-
Export Company Limited (Simexco) with the following specific objectives:
Sustainable production (P):
By 2020: reaching 45% of coffee and intercropping sustainably produced (1): Replanting 1,892
ha of old coffee area (accounting for 80% of the area to be replanted); (2) Deploying 2 supply chain
models between farmer cooperatives/groups and enterprises with an output of 10,856 tons of coffee;
(3) Applying good agricultural practices (according to the NSC Criteria) on 12,290 ha of coffee and
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