Page 46 - Agricultural innovation
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of coffee growing area without using banned substances used in agriculture, herbicides, reducing the
use of pesticides by 10% on the total area of 24,000 hectares of coffee.
By 2025: 100% coffee and intercropping will be produced sustainably (1): Replant 7,872 ha of old
coffee area (accounting for 80% of the area to be replanted by 2025); (2) Deploying 6 supply chain
models between farmer cooperatives/groups and enterprises with an output of 45,000 tons of coffee;
(3) Applying good agricultural practices (according to the NSC Criteria) on 44,300 ha of coffee and
intercropping (about 50% of the total coffee area of the region); (4) Striving for 24,418 hectares of coffee
growing area without using banned substances used in agriculture and herbicides, reducing the use of
pesticides by 15% on this total area.
Conserve land and water resources (P):
By 2020: (1) Conserve soil resources, increase the use of organic/organic fertilizers by 20% from
27,466 ha to 32,339 ha of coffee growing area, take care of 5,300 ha of land with rows of trees to shade
the sun, windbreaks and belt trees forming a green belt for chemical isolation, intercropping with
avocado, durian or other suitable trees for 5,560 ha of coffee growing area; (2) Water management,
reducing the amount of irrigation water from 550–600 liters/plant to 450 liters/plant in the first phase
and from 450–500 liters/plant to 400 liters/tree in the subsequent phases for 26,450 hectares of planting
area of coffee trees, increasing the use of surface water for irrigation to 27,277 ha; (3) Protecting forests,
increasing forest cover by 6%, maintaining and taking care of 100% of the current status of forests (the
area has 74,552 hectares of special use area).
By 2025: (1) Conserve soil resources, increase the use of organic/organic fertilizers by 30% to 33,440
hectares of coffee growing area, take care of 9,500 hectares of land with rows of green trees to shade
and shield trees. wind and belt trees form a green belt to isolate chemicals, intercrop avocado, durian or
other trees suitable for 12,500 ha of coffee growing area; (2) Water management, reducing the amount
of water for irrigation from 550–600 liters/plant to 450 liters/plant in the first phase and from 450–500
liters/plant to 400 liters/tree in subsequent phases for 30,800 hectares of coffee planting area, increasing
the use of surface water for irrigation to 29,681 ha; (3) Protecting forests, increasing forest cover by 11%,
maintaining and taking care of 100% of the current status of forests (the area has 74,552 hectares of
special use area).
Livelihood, social security (I):
By 2020: reduce the poverty rate to 3.7% by (1) Increasing the income of 25–30% of coffee farmers by
20% through market linkage, reducing production costs, improve the quality of goods and reasonable
intercropping; (2) Increase the use of PPE when spraying pesticides on an area of 23,000 ha; (3) 10%
increase in avocado and durian production; (4) Increase livestock production by 5%; (5) Improve
gender equality, encourage women to participate in training in sustainable production, reaching the
rate of 30%; (6) Reduce 95% of cases of Labor Law violations; (7) Propaganda, raising awareness and
awareness about workers’ rights for 95% of employees; (8) Improve working conditions and safety for
95% of employees.
By 2025: reduce poverty rate to 3% by (1) Raising 30% of income of 70% of coffee farmers through
market connection, reducing production costs, improving quality goods and reasonable intercropping;
(2) Increase the use of PPE when spraying pesticides on an area of 34,000 ha (3) Increase the production
of avocado and durian by 25%; (4) Increase livestock production by 15%; (5) Improve gender equality,
encourage women to participate in training in sustainable production, reaching 45%; (6) 100% reduction
of cases of Labor Law violations; (7) Propaganda, raising awareness and awareness of workers’ rights
for 100% of employees; (8) Improve working conditions and safety for 95% of employees.
Agricultural Innovation Review in CLV Countries 39