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land and forest are allocated to different user groups according to different mechanisms and policies
decided by the central and local governments. The purpose of the policy is towards land plots that have
owners. The policy of land allocation and forest allocation has contributed to improving forest quality,
increasing forest cover and contributing to hunger eradication and poverty reduction in mountainous
and highland areas. However, in the process of implementation in localities, many problems arise
related to overlapping, to the technical facilities and professional capacity of the implementing unit as
well as the willingness to pay of the contractors. Therefore, the progress of land and forest allocation in
some localities is often slow and prolonged, causing many inconveniences to people.
Therefore, in the component on agricultural production for a greener future of Bac Kan Province
Commercial Smallholder Support Project (CSSP) funded by the International Fund for Agricultural
Development (IFAD), the sub-component land allocation and forestry land use right certification is
currently being implemented with the objective of promoting equitable ownership among different
asset groups and genders and efficient use of local production forests.
This model, when implemented, has renewed the land allocation and forest allocation with the
participation of the people, has ensured the people’s right to use forest land and use forest resources in
order to improve living conditions and improve natural resource protection and management.
5.6.2. Model development
The current forest land users are households who were contracted for forest planting area from state forestry
enterprises. These households planted forests and were certified by the forestry enterprise for their planted
forests. At this stage, there is no map, the location is not accurate. In the 2004–2009 period, the project on
forest land allocation and grant of forest land use certificates was carried out in many districts of Bac Kan
province. The cadastral map was established based on aerial photos, made symmetrical contouring, and
correlated judgments, so many land plots and location of land plots were determined to have deviations.
This deviation leads to many problems of disputes and conflicts over land use rights in the community.
Due to the large deviation, many commune-level localities have not yet assigned LURCs (land use right
certificates) to households. In the period 2011–2012, the 3PAD (Pro-Poor Partnership for Agroforestry
Development) project was piloted in a number of localities in the province. High-precision mapping
technology combined with the participation of the people in all steps of reviewing and determining
boundaries in the field, signing and certifying the boundary, and publicly posting information that has
been approved. The results of land allocation and grant of land use right certificates of the project in this
phase are proposed to be implemented within the framework of the CSSP project.
The work of land and forest allocation in some project areas in Bac Kan province is implemented
according to the Manual issued in two Decisions of the Provincial CSSP Project Steering
Committee, including:
• Decision No. 1178/QD-BCD of the CSSP Project Steering Committee dated August 11, 2017 on
the Technical Manual for land allocation and issuance of forest land LURCs with the participation
of the people. The handbook is based on the handbook of forest land use planning and allocation
with the participation of the people that has been implemented by the 3PAD project. The manual
guides the basic principles in land allocation and issuing of forest land use LURCs, the sequence
of steps in the participatory land allocation, together with specific instruction tables.
• Decision No. 1486/QD-BCD of the CSSP Project Steering Committee dated August 19, 2020 on
the Land Allocation Manual with the participation of the peope under CSSP project in the Bac
Kan province. The manual provides detailed instructions on basic principles in participatory
forest allocation, the sequence of steps in participatory land allocation and is accompanied by
detailed instruction tables.
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