Page 71 - Agricultural innovation
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Table 4. Steps of forest land allocation with participation of peope

             Steps            Activities                            Outcomes
             1. Preparation   •  Organizational and administrative preparation  •  Decide on setting up steering committees and working
                              •  Collect existing documents and maps  groups at all levels (districts and communes)
                              •  Training for commune-level working group members •  Related documents and maps
                              •  Communal meeting to carry out the land use right   •  Commune map showing the boundary of the proposed
                               conversion, issue the LURC, determine the expected   land area in the commune
                               land allocation of each village/village and make a   •  Minutes of the commune meeting and the plan of family
                               plan for the implementation of the family, issue the   activities, granting land certificates to villages in the
                               LURC and prepare necessary materials   commune
             2. Status Assessment  Organize the first village/village meeting:  •  Minutes of the 1st village/village meeting
                              •  Introduce the objectives, activities and procedures of  •  Results of assessment of socio-economic status and
                               the process of land use, land use rights certificates,   situation of rural forestry land use
                               issuance of LURCs with the participation of the
                               people and policies related to land use, issuance of
                               LURCs, presentation of the plan of land use rights,
                               issuance of LURCs, selection of land use rights
                               certificates. a number of local people participated in
                               supporting the family family working group, granting
                              •  Assessment of the socio-economic situation and the
                               situation of village forestry land use
             3. Formulation of the   •  Develop the village’s plan and plan on forest land use  •  Minutes of the 2nd village/village meeting
              village/village’s land   right                        •  Guidance on Application for Land Allocation,
              use LURC plan   •  Organize the 2nd village/village meeting  Application for Grant of LURC
              and issuance of the   •  Prepare and approve the list of households and   •  List of households applying for forest land allocation
              LURC             groups of households eligible for land allocation and  •  List of eligible and ineligible households to be allocated
                               issuance of LURCs                      forest land
                              •  Meeting with households that will be allocated land   •  Forest land allocation plans and plans of the villages
                               and issued LURCs in the same area    •  Village/village FLA map
                              •  Make a forest land use plan of the village
             4. Formulation of   •  Develop plans on land use rights and LURCs at   •  Minutes of the 2nd village/village meeting
              plans on land use   commune level on the basis of a synthesis of the   •  Guidance on Application for Land Allocation,
              rights change and   village-level land use use rights certificate plan   Application for Grant of LURC
              issuance of LURCs   implemented in step 3.            •  List of households applying for forest land allocation
              at commune level  •  Socio-environmental impact assessment (ESIA) of   •  List of eligible and ineligible households to be allocated
                               the commune-level option               forest land
                              •  Commune-level workshop on the option of land   •  Forest land allocation plans and plans of the villages
                               allocation, issuance of LURCs and ESIA  •  Village FLA map
             5. Forest land   •  Clearly define the boundaries in the field  •  The 1/10,000 scale cadastral map of FLA is checked and
              allocation in the   •  Developing cadastral maps of forest land for land   accepted according to regulations
              field and cadastral   allocation and issuance of LURCs  •  The application form for the commune’s land use rights
              mapping         •  Write and submit the proposed FLA plan to the   certificate and LURC (including maps and reports)
                               Commune People’s Committee             approved by the Commune People’s Committee and the
                              •  Implement FLA work in the field      District People’s Committee
                              •  Organizing the 3rd village/village meeting  •  Minutes of forest land allocation in the field.
                                                                    •  Minutes of the 3rd village meeting
             6. Check and review   •  Check and review the cadastral map  •  The 1/10,000 scale cadastral land use right certificate is
              the cadastral map,   •  Completing the application for forest land allocation,  checked and accepted according to regulations.
              complete the    •  Completing the application file for issuance of   •  The application form for the commune’s land use rights
              application for   LURCs                                 certificate and LURC (including maps and reports)
              the director, the                                       approved by the Commune People’s Committee and the
              application for the                                     District People’s Committee
              issuance of the                                       •  Minutes of forest land allocation in the field.
              LURC                                                  •  Minutes of the 3rd village meeting
             7. Appraisal and   •  Submit for issuance of land allocation decision,   •  Minutes of inspection and appraisal of land use land use
              issuance of      approval and issuance of LURC          records
              land allocation   •  Completing the cadastral dossiers  •  Minutes of appraisal of dossiers of application for land
              decisions, approval   •  Checking, collecting cadastral records products,   use right certificates
              and issuance of   handing over and storing cadastral records according  •  Decision approving land allocation, granting land use
              forestry certificates;   to regulations                 right certificate of the District People’s Committee
              completing                                            •  Minutes of handing over records to all levels of
              cadastral records,                                      management and use
              handing over and                                      •  Set of cadastral dossiers (including 1 set of originals, 3
              archiving                                               sets of copies and software for maps)
             Source: Bac Kan Province CSSP Project

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