Page 78 - Agricultural innovation
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economic, social, political, etc.). The content of activities is rich, can share production experience, home
            stories, neighborhood stories; discuss production linkages and output solutions for products; but it can
            also be discussing current issues, prominent news related to economy, politics, society, guidelines or
            transfer scientific and technical applications, etc.
                However, this model also has challenges related to sustainability. At present, the existence of
            the clubhouse depends mainly on the role of the head of the clubhouse. Most of these people lack
            management skills on the model of the clubhouse as well as the knowledge of the market. A second
            important factor is the support of the management agencies (government, mass organizations, politics)
            as well as the unsustainable operating budget, which is the cost of the activities that invite scientists to
            exchange and research to help people solve problems arising in the locality. This also partly affects the
            renewal and expansion of activities of the clubhouses as well as to improve quality and scope of issues
            sharing in the members meeting.

            5.7.4. Conclusions
            The establishment of the clubhouse is an indispensable part of the agricultural restructuring process
            in Vietnam, meeting the practical needs of farmers, which is to associate and cooperate to develop
            agricultural production in the market economy. The operation of the association has brought certain
            results, effectively solving the biggest bottleneck of the cooperative model–farmers’ trust in the
            cooperative’s activities. The model of the clubhouse has proven the vitality in the community, shown
            not only through the increasing number of clubhouses established and the increasingly diverse content
            and fields, but more importantly, this model has influence to make each member of the clubhouse
            richer in both knowledge and property.
                In order for this model to be developed and improved as well as expanded to other regions, certain
            conditions must be met such as:

                • There is a team of leaders of the clubhouses, especially the head of the clubhouse who is good and
                 dedicated. The government needs to have a mechanism to find, attract and retain talented and
                 dedicated clubhouse leaders. Currently, the governing boards are elected/elected/recommended
                 mainly on the basis of prestige in the village, community. The clubhouse has no source to pay
                 salaries if it attracts a professional management team. In addition, the board of directors should
                 be trained in management and marketing.
                • There is leadership and guidance of all levels of Party committees and authorities at all levels.
                 Building and developing a model of the clubhouse must have a unified determination in the
                 leadership and direction of the Party committees and authorities, and the efforts of the political
                 system. Party committees, authorities, Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations
                 regularly participate in clubhouse activities to grasp the thoughts, aspirations and reflections
                 of members to promptly remove difficulties. Forming portals on market, cultivation and
                 husbandry techniques  for farmers to easily and effectively  access their  production and
                 business activities.

                • It is necessary to have a stable and sustainable funding source to maintain the operation of the
                 clubhouses. To maintain long-term operation and attract more new members, the clubhouse
                 needs a physical foundation to operate. A principle that the local government sets forth when
                 developing the clubhouse model is “co-build, jointly manage, and enjoy together”, not relying
                 on the support of the state budget, so the development of the clubhouse must be based on the
                 economic development of its members.

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