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                        Table 25: Strategies for improving agricultural extension

             Strategy                    Key targets and objectives
                                         The shift from supply-driven extension for production to
                                         demand-driven  extension  for  market, competition,  and
             Demand-driven Agricultural   sustainability approach. Programs and activities will be
                                         developed to address national, provincial, and district
                                         agricultural development needs and priorities.
                                         MAFF will be strengthened for extension quality assurance
                                         by developing and implementing new guidelines and
             Institutionalization,       regulations for extension service providers. Increase in
             Regulations, and Partnerships
                                         collaboration with development partners, NGOs, CBOs,
                                         universities, and private service partners.
                                         Focus on improving agricultural educational institutions:
                                         Formal (University, agriculture schools, and training
             Strengthening Agricultural   centers) provides undergraduate and graduate degrees
             Education Institutions      on agriculture; non-formal (agencies, NGOs, promoters,
                                         etc.) provides topics, info sessions, classes related to
                                         Research about and development of new technologies
             Technology Development,     that respond to client needs, funded by GDA field
             Packaging, and Learning
                                         research stations, CARDI, and other research institutes
                                         Innovative and effective extension approaches and
             Agriculture Extension       methods, using information and communication
             Approaches and Methods      technologies (ICTs) as the means for delivering
                                         Partnering with relevant institutions, development
             Mainstreaming Cross-        partners, and NGOs to address current critical issues,
             Cutting Issues in Agricultural   namely: agriculture water planning and management;
             Extension Services
                                         climate change issues; food safety; and nutrition.
             Sustainable financing of    Ensure regular financial support and enable many other
             Agricultural Extension      sources of funding to support the agricultural extension
             Services                    services.

                                          Source: MAFF, 2015 12
                  By 2030, farmers will be expected to receive many benefits that agricultural
            extension service provides as follow:

                  -   100% of seeds will be certified, with 80% of farmers receiving good quality
                      seeds in production activities

                  -   60% of smallholders are able to access services of agricultural machinery

                  -   70% of the technology package for rice production are available to
                      smallholders, and 50% of farmers will receive market information, available
                      through mobile phone

            12  Agricultural Extension Policy in Cambodia, 2015

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