Page 68 - Regional_rice_report_with_full_bookmarks
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            supported to borrow capital to invest in production, buy machinery, equipment, and
            supplies for agricultural production23, etc. Especially, when the market price of rice
            dropped low, the Government implemented policies of purchasing and temporarily
            storing rice and paddy rice24 to ensure income for rice growers25. These policies
            helped reduce costs and increase efficiency for agricultural producers in general and
            rice producers in particular.

                  Invest in scientific research and breeding: The Government spent 2% of the
            budget on science and technology, of which, about 1/3 of the budget was used
            to invest in agricultural science and technology. Most of the funds were spent on
            research on varieties (rice varieties) and livestock breeds to improve yield, quality and
            increase resilience to climate. Besides, enterprises imported several varieties to test
            the production and supply system in Viet Nam. Numerous new varieties with higher
            quality and better climate tolerance were introduced into production. However, low-
            quality and high-yielding rice varieties were still preferred by several rice farmers.
                  Additionally, several implemented science and technology projects contributed
            to supporting human resource training, gradually improved knowledge and skills for
            farmers. Also, the national agricultural extension program applied many technical
            advances and production processes that meet certification standards into production.

                  Encourage the application of technological advancements and safe
            manufacturing processes: The Government, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural
            Development, and localities encouraged producers to apply advanced production
            techniques (such as Integrated pest management-IPM, The System of Rice
            Intensification-SRI), safe production processes (VietGAP, Global GAP, organic, etc.),
            and the production process reduces inputs (1 Must Do-5  Reductions, 3 Reduce-3
            Gain, 1 Must Do-6 Reductions, etc.) through agricultural extension program, technical
            assistance and input support program (seeds,  fertilizers), standard certification
            cost assistance program, etc. Additionally, the Ministry  of Agriculture and Rural
            Development together with localities organized training sessions and guided farmers
            to safely use and minimize the use of pesticides in production. Also, the Ministry
            of Agriculture and Rural development strengthened quality control of inputs from
            imported and domestically produced sources and announced a list of banned

                  Promote cooperation and linkage of the rice value chain: Individuals
            and organizations participated in cooperation associated with the agricultural
            consumption (rice) along the value chain were prioritized for development assistance
            by the Government26, including credit support, investment support, training, and
            technical training, input support for production, infrastructure support for linkages,
            cost support for transferring new technologies and techniques (Decree No. 98/2018/
            ND-CP). Besides, several production organization forms were renewed, production

            23  Decree No. 55/2015/ND-CP, Decree No. 116/2018/ND-CP on credit policies for agricultural and rural development,
            Decree No. 57/2018/ND-CP on incentive policies for enterprises investing in agriculture and rural development sector,
            Loan program to support post-harvest loss reduction under Decision No. 68/2013/QD-CP)
            24  According to Decree No. 109/2010/ND-CP dated November 4, 2010, on rice export business
            25  According to Decree No. 109/2010/ND-CP dated November 4, 2010, on rice export business
            26  Decision No. 62/2013/QD-TTg dated October 19, 2013, on the policy of encouraging the development of
            cooperation, links the production associated with the consumption of agricultural products, construction of large
            fields and Decree No. 98/2018/ND-CP dated August 5, 2018, on the incentive policy for development of linkages
            production and consumption of agricultural products.

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