Page 72 - Regional_rice_report_with_full_bookmarks
P. 72


                  Encourage enterprises to buy for the temporary storage of paddy rice to stable
            rice price at the peak time: Every year, during the harvesting period, market meets
            with difficulties, price of paddy rice usually goes down, the State implements policy
            on supporting temporary stocking enterprises. The State directs the State Bank to
            provide loans with preferential rates for enterprises to purchase and temporary stock
            paddy rice (the State Bank of Viet Nam will compensate for interest rate differences).
            The policy supports the fall of price on paddy rice, ensuring farmers earn at least
            30% on profits. However, in reality, the beneficiary of this policy are enterprises and
            banks rather than producers because most producers sold their crops (fresh) straight
            after harvesting, to collectors and traders instead of enterprises, while the actors got
            supported on price. Enterprises only initiate buying after signing the export contract.

                -   Managing rice import-export operation

                  Managing and coordinating rice import-export enterprises: To manage import-
            export of rice activity, The State has implemented Decree no. 109/2010/ND-CP on
            04/11/2010; no.107/2018/ND-CP on 15/08/2018 on rice export business. Accordingly,
            enterprises that are eligible for exporting rice, including i) At least 01 storage for
            paddy rice, rice storage that submitted to the National standards and technical
            regulations; ii) At least 01 milling facility or processing facility that submitted to the
            National standards and technical regulations. In which, storage, milling, and processing
            facilities can be owned by the enterprise, or rented with a minimum of 5 years in
            the  contract.  Enterprises  that  exclusively  export  organic  rice,  parboiled  rice,  and
            micronutrient enhanced rice will not require to meet these export requirements. This
            decision aims to improve the rice export management and reduced the rice export
            hubs. Ministry of Industry and Trade conducts examinations and grants certificates for
            eligible enterprises for exporting rice. Prior to July 2020, Viet Nam has 192 enterprises
            eligible for exporting rice. Following this decision, enterprises that failed to export
            rice within 18 months will be revoked.

                  Institutions  for  governing  rice  exporting  businesses:  Currently,  with  current
            regulations, the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Viet Nam Food Association
            (VFA) play an important role in managing rice exports. The Ministry of Industry and
            Trade, together with VFA and provinces official, directs and guides businesses to i) build
            material zones, ii) purchasing rice for stocks, ensure market stability, iii) negotiate and
            sign export contracts, iv) guiding and supporting enterprises on market information,
            v) managing and checking violations in import-export enterprises. The Ministry of
            Industry and Trade is responsible for finding markets, negotiating, and signing rice
            trade agreements with countries, and has the right to designate focal enterprises
            to negotiate centralized contracts (G2G). In which, the VFA has the right to allocate
            80% of the productions from concentrated contracts to exporting enterprises. In
            addition, rice exporting enterprises must report on contract performance progress
            to the Ministry of Industry and Trade and VFA30. In addition, the Ministry of
            Agriculture and Rural Development (directing production, building material zones),
            the Ministry of Finance (stabilizing prices, making rice export reports), the Ministry of
            Health (promulgating regulations on residues, national standards on micronutrients,
            packaging), the State Bank of Viet Nam (balancing capital for rice trading) and the
            Provincial People’s Committee (organizing production, monitoring the trade situation
            within the province) is also involved in governing the rice exporting business.

            30  Decree no.107/2018/ND-CP on rice exporting business.

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