Page 74 - Regional_rice_report_with_full_bookmarks
P. 74
Lao PDR - Established several appropriate - Policies and strategies were not
development policies effectively implied
- Actors in the value chain are - Management, planning, allocation,
voluntary and actively involved zoning, and utilization of rice
in the production production land is not well
- Wide application of scientific implemented
techniques in agriculture - Unclear policy on using and
production enhancing rice crop, low number
- Infrastructure has been of good rice crop users
developed and expanded in all - Lack of specific policies supporting
provinces, including research rice trade in practical
centers, irrigation systems, etc. - Over the past three decades, only
- Organizing structure in the 20% of farming households have
agriculture sector has been had access to irrigation, many
appropriately improved irrigated areas have been unused
- Many domestic and foreign due to urbanization and city
investments; support projects development
from development partners - Research and technical service
and private sectors have been centers are not strong enough,
increased. incapable of fully performing
mandates and duties; insufficient,
competent technical staffs, and a
limited budget for implementing
of activities.
Viet Nam - Continuously renewing policies, - Policies on protecting rice land
encouraging production, are no longer appropriate
ensuring domestic consumption, - Policies on the development
increasing rice export of the agricultural land market
- Promote seed structure based on have not been focused, only
market changes, improve quality some agriculture land-transfer
and value transactions have taken place,
- Actively transform production land market has a limited role.
to adapt to climate change and - Policy on ensuring minimum profit
saline intrusion for rice farmers is not effective.
- The irrigation system is more - Policy on management of rice
complete and serves multiple export business has not created
purposes, meeting the basic a driving force to promote rice
needs of rice production export.
- Fairly stable traditional markets
and open new markets with
higher value.
4. Analysis of impact factors on the rice sector
4.1. Climate change and solutions to deal with the effect of climate change on
rice production
4.1.1. Climate change impact on rice production
Southeast Asia is severely impacted by climate change, particularly the
region’s wet rice production. Climate change and sea-level rise have had a significant