Page 6 - Agricultural innovation
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he regional project “Network of Agriculture and Rural Development
Tthink-tanks for countries in Mekong sub-region” (NARDT) is
implemented by the Institute of Policy and Strategy for Agriculture and Rural
Development (IPSARD) in Viet Nam as the lead agency and other three co-
facilitating partners including the National Agriculture and Forestry Research
Institute (NAFRI) in Lao PDR, Cambodia Development Resource Institute
(CDRI) in Cambodia and Centre for Economic and Social Development (CESD)
in Myanmar. NARDT funded by the International Fund for Agricultural
Development (IFAD) to promote research cooperation and policy dialogue
on agriculture and rural development (ARD), improve the quality of research,
advocacy and implementation of ARD policies in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar
and Viet Nam (CLMV).
Within the framework of NARDT, IPSARD, CDRI and NAFRI have
together conducted the regional joint study on Agricultural innovation review
in CLV countries in 2022–2023 to review recent innovation models in ARD
with lessons learned among CLV, then exploring opportunities in scaling up
the successful models.
NARDT cordially introduces this publication to all of you.
Agricultural Innovation Review in CLV Countries v v