Page 7 - Agricultural innovation
P. 7

List of Abbreviations
            ACIAR     Australian Centre for International Agriculture Research
            BOD       Biochemical Oxygen Demand
            COD       Chemical Oxygen Demand
            CSSP      Commercial Smallhousehold Support Project funded by IFAD
            EM        Effective Microorganisms
            FAO       Food and Agriculture Organisation
            GAP       Good Agriculture Practice
            GIZ       German Agency for International Cooperation
            GlobalGAP Global Good Agriculture Practice
            HDME      Kind of geotextle
            ICP       Integrated Crop Management
            IDH       Sustainable Trade Initiative
            IFAD      International Fund for Agriculture Development
            IPM       Integrated Pest Management
            LURCs     Land Use Rights Certificates
            OCOP      One Commune One Product
            SNV       The Netherlands Development Organisation
            VnSAT     Vietnam Sustainable Agriculture Transformation Project
            VSA       Verified Sourcing Areas

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