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Table 5: Paddy rice yield in Viet Nam, Cambodia, and Lao PDR
2015-2021 (tons/ha)
Average rice
yield of Viet Lao
Nam, Lao PDR, Viet Nam Cambodia PDR Thailand ASEAN World
and Cambodia
2015 4.91 5.76 2.97 4.16 2.96 4.22 4.43
2016 4.87 5.58 3.21 3.90 2.85 4.03 4.43
2017 4.80 5.55 3.30 3.80 2.97 4.29 4.49
2018 4.93 5.82 3.35 3.60 3.07 4.23 4.53
2019 4.87 5.82 3.34 4.70 3.04 3.95 4.57
2020 4.96 5.87 3.35 3.80 2.92 4.13 4.62
2021 4.99 5.96 3.21 3.97 2.84 4.09 4.64
Note: Average paddy rice yield of Viet Nam, Lao PDR, and Cambodia = Total rice
output of 3 countries/ total paddy rice growing area of 3 countries
Source: Estimated from AFSIS data, Viet Nam GSO, Reports of the country research
team of Lao PDR and Cambodia.
In addition, these countries also increased investment in upgrading and
improving irrigation systems for rice specializing production area. Irrigated land
accounts for nearly 40% of the cropland in Viet Nam while this figure of Lao PDR
is only 22-25% and this of Cambodia – is less than 7%. Vietnam’s irrigation system is
quite developed and has created favorable conditions for year-round rice production.
Meanwhile, the rice production system of Lao PDR and Cambodia depends heavily on
Table 6: Share of irrigated land in total cropland in 2015 and 2019 (%)
Countries 2015 2019
Viet Nam 39.85 39.03
Lao PDR 22.54 25.54
Cambodia 6.64 6.64
Thailand 30.10 30.10
Source: FAOSTAT.
- Rice producers
The main actors of rice production in all three countries today are mainly
small-scale farmers. This is greatly hindering the application of technical measures on
seeds, fertilizers, mechanization, or product quality control.
In Cambodia, there are about 1,735 rice farming households . Rice growing
households also join cooperatives or carry out production under farming contracts.
3 Cambodia Inter-Censal Agriculture Survey 2019 Statistical Release