Page 27 - Regional_rice_report_with_full_bookmarks
P. 27

                                                    THINK-TAKS FOR COUNTRIES IN MEKONG-SUB REGION” (NARDT)

                   Figure 9: Wet – season (organic) rice value chain in Preah VI
                                    hear province - Cambodia

                                    Source: Field survey – CDRI.
                 The rice value chain in Lao PDR consisted of the farmer or any of rice producers,
          assemblers, cooperative, traders, millers, market, retailer, company, wholesalers,
          state food enterprise, milling, polishing, and exporting, processor or institutional
          buyer, consumer, and export channel. These are involved in the main process of rice
          marketing which can be initially production, distribution, and consumption i.e., from
          production to export. It is a proportion of the paddy/rice distribution from a single
          market participating to another type of player.

                 The mapping depicts the percentage of the rice value chain or rice marketing
          gathering with the participation of many stakeholders. The survey can be identified as
          follows: Subsequently, farmers sell rice directly to exporting enterprises with the total
          amount accounting for about 11% of total rice production. Next, rice is sold through
          miller 22%, trader 20%, cooperative 7%, assemblers 35%, wholesaler 30%, and rice
          exporting factories 15% thereof.  It also depends on the supply and demand area i.e.
          trader distribution to other actors such as millers 11%, market 40%, and consumer
          94% or from cooperative to company and selling to exporter then is exported to
          neighboring countries such as China, Viet Nam, Thailand, and EU. According to the
          Food and Agriculture Organization, Lao PDR has a substantial post-harvest loss of
          around 15% of milled rice output, and relatively little rice is used for feed (USDA,

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