Page 5 - Regional_rice_report_with_full_bookmarks
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            LIST OF TABLES

            Table 1: Field studies in countries.......................................................................................................11
            Table 2: Rice production period in main rice areas in some ASEAN countries......................15

            Table 3: Paddy rice output of Cambodia, Lao PDR and Viet Nam in the period of 2015-

            Table 4: Share of total paddy rice output of Viet Nam, Lao PDR, and Cambodia (%).....20
            Table 5: Paddy rice yield in Viet Nam, Cambodia, and Lao PDR 2015-2021 (tons/ha)...21

            Table 6: Share of irrigated land in total cropland in 2015 and 2019 (%).............................21
            Table 7: Structure of rice varieties in Viet Nam 2015-2019.....................................................23

            Table 8: Fertilizer usage by country................................................................................................27
            Table 9: Average farm size and crops by countries..................................................................29

            Table 10: Operation efficiency of rice mills in the countries...................................................31
            Table 11: Rice households in Viet Nam in 2020............................................................................32

            Table 12. Rice supply-demand balance by country...................................................................34
            Table 13: Consumption of some main food per capita monthly in Viet Nam..................36

            Table 14: The balance sheet of rice for Vietnam 2025 - 2050...............................................37
            Table 15: Shares of countries in the total import value of the World and ASEAN........41

            Table 16: FOB export rice price of different countries by type of rice..............................43
            Table 17: Top high-value markets in the world rice market in 2020..................................49

            Table 18: Overviews of high-value markets..................................................................................49
            Table 19: The role of each country in these high-value markets 2020.............................50

            Table 20: Import requirements for rice by Kuwait......................................................................51
            Table 21: Import requirements for rice by EU27.........................................................................52

            Table 22: Import requirements for rice by the US.....................................................................54
            Table 23: Import requirements for rice by Japan......................................................................55

            Table 24: Import requirements for rice by South Korea.........................................................56
            Table 25: Strategies for improving agricultural extension......................................................60

            Table 26: Quotas for agricultural land accumulation under the Land Law 2013...........65
            Table 27: Successes and constraints in implementing policies by each country..........72

            Table 28: List of current trade agreements and favorable regime between members of
            ASEAN and developed countries....................................................................................................80

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