Page 8 - Regional_rice_report_with_full_bookmarks
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                                                    THINK-TAKS FOR COUNTRIES IN MEKONG-SUB REGION” (NARDT)

           IPSARD    Institute for Policy and Strategy for Agriculture and Rural Development
           IRRI      International Rice Research Institute
           LaCSA     Lao PDR Climate Service for Agriculture
           MAFF      Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (Cambodia)

           MFN       Most favored nation
           MPI       Ministry of Planning and Investment
           NAFRI     National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute (Lao PDR)

           NGO       Non-Governmental Organization
           NSEPD     National Social Economic Development Plans
           OECD      Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development

           PNG       Phon Ngam varieties
           RGC       Royal Government of Cambodia
           SRI       System of Rice Intensification

           SRP       Sustainable Rice Platform
           TDK       Thadokham varieties
           TRT       The Rice Trade
           TSN       Thasano varieties

           USD       US Dollar
           USDA      United State Department of Agriculture

           VCL       Appraisal and standardization of curvilinear velocity
           VFA       Viet Nam Food Association
           WFP       World Food Program
           WITS      World Integrated Trade Solution

           WS        Wet season
           WTO       World Trade Organization

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