Page 50 - Regional_rice_report_with_full_bookmarks
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Table 17: Top high-value markets in the world rice market in 2020
Value per ton Total import values
(USD/ton) (Million USD)
Kuwait 1,183 304.98
France 1,120 589.35
Germany 1,001 470.74
United States of America 1,081 1,283.84
Canada 922 445.06
Saudi Arabia 908 1,404.24
Iran, Islamic Republic of 794 881.30
Japan 744 503.60
Korean, Rep 714 375.42
Source: Author’s calculation from Trademap data.
Overall, the main competitors in these markets for this region are India,
Pakistan, the US, and China. Among the 4 countries in the region, Lao PDR has a
less significant role in exporting rice to these markets. Market shares of Lao PDR in
total import of each market is less than 1%, even 0% in many markets. This is mainly
driven by the low yield in Lao PDR together with the transportation difficulties to
support export in Lao PDR. Thailand, on the other hand, is the main exporter to many
high-value markets, such as the US (58%), Japan (26%), and EU27 (16%). While EU27
favors Cambodian rice and Korea (Rep), and is opening a new opportunity for Viet
Nam recently, the role of these two countries in other markets is not important with
small shares of less than 5%. Regarding exports, the US is one of the main partners
of Thailand while EU27 is the important buyer of both Cambodia and Lao PDR. Viet
Nam, on the other hand, has not exploited any of these high-value markets in the total
export value.
Table 18: Overviews of high-value markets
Total import value in Main exporters
2020 (million USD)
India (77.47%); Pakistan (7%); US (4%);
Middle East 5160.30
Thailand (3.5%)
Pakistan (22.37%); Thailand (16.84%); India
EU27 1567.16
(13.87%), Myanmar (12.6%); Cambodia (10.64%)
US 1283.84 Thailand (59%), India (24%), Brazil (3%)
Japan 503.61 US (57%), Thailand (27%), China (13%)
China (44%), US (37%), Viet Nam (14%),
Korea, Rep 375.42
Thailand (4%)
Source: Author’s calculation from Trademap