Page 55 - Regional_rice_report_with_full_bookmarks
P. 55

                                                    THINK-TAKS FOR COUNTRIES IN MEKONG-SUB REGION” (NARDT)

                         Table 22: Import requirements for rice by the US

                                          Cambodia     Lao PDR      Thailand   Viet Nam
          MFN duties (Applied)               4%           4%          4%          4%
          Number of tariff lines              6           6            6           6
          Number of import requirements
          measurements                       49           49          49          49
          Some of the main requirements
                                         + Followed by foreign supplier verification program
          + Quality requirement
                                         + Minimum requirement of ensuring hazard analysis
                                         and risk-based preventive controls for certain foods
          + Traceability requirement     Ability to trace every step of producing products
          + Others                       Licensing for the protection of public health
              Source: Authors’ compilation from International Trade Centre and customs
                                          of each country.

               -  The Japanese market
                 Market Overview:  The import demand of Japan is stable at around 600
          million USD. In 2020, Japan imported 600 thousand tons of rice valued at more than
          500 million USD, an increase in the past 5 years, but compared to 2009 it tended
          to  decrease  slightly.  However,  the  import  of  rice  is  not  intended  for  consumer
          consumption. Rice is imported by the Japanese Government according to The Law for
          Stabilization of Supply-Demand and Price of Staple Food or imported to be purchased
          and sold by the Japanese Government in response to a joint application by the seller
          to and purchaser from the Japanese Government according to the Law, imported
          with certification of Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries according to the
          cabinet order concerning rice and others provided by the cabinet order provided in
          the Law or imported as repayment to a Japanese Government loan.

                 Competition: In this market, the US is the major exporter accounting for up
          to 57% market, Thailand 27%, and China 13%, other exporters are very small and
          insignificant. The level of concentration in the market is quite high as shown in the
          HHI index above 4180, indicating the high barriers for entry to this market.

                 Market requirements: This country has high protection of rice domestic sector.
          The quota Japan applied on rice is equivalent to 262% tax (Table 20). The quality and
          requirements for rice entered to this market are controlled by the Ministry of Health,
          Labour, and Welfare. The quality requirements are followed by the foreign supplier
          verification program (FSVP).

                 Market potential: In general, there is little potential for Cambodia, Lao PDR,
          and Thailand whereas Viet Nam has a high potential due to tariff reduction from
          joining CPTPP. It is estimated that the import tariff reduction for rice for Viet Nam will
          be respectively from 262.41% to 37.71% (International Trade Center, 2022), creating an
          advantage in terms of tariffs for Viet Nam for rice products outside the quota.

          9   Converted by ITC using Ad Valorem Equivalent method

   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60