Page 100 - Agricultural innovation
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Appendix A. Main models on agriculture and rural development in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam

             #    Name                  Country      Field           Innovations                Holder of Model

             C    Innovation models in institutions in agriculture and rural development

             16   Model of farmer’s network in   Laos  Farmer’s network for  Commodity alliance for resource   Project
                  Laos                               product trading  mobilisation

             17   Model of Bolaven Plateau   Laos    Cooperative     New form of cooperative economy  Cooperative
                  Coffee Producers Cooperative       development
                  in Laos
             18   Model of buffalo dairy farm in  Laos  Vertical alliance   Company mobilise dairy buffalo of   Private company
                  Luangprabang, Laos                 among farmer and   farmers for milk processing of new
                                                     company         products
             19   Model of a large field in the   Vietnam  Alliance for   Development of large scale rice   Private company
                  rice production in the Loc         sustainable     production, SRP cropping, technical
                  Troi Group, Vietnam                development     supporting team, using of by-product
             20   Model of communal economic  Vietnam  Technical and   Service staff working in glassroot to   Publich
                  and technical team in Kien         Economic servis in   support farmers related to community  management
                  Giang province                     agriculture     extension serves
             21   Model of forest land allocation  Vietnam  Forest management  Forest land community based   Project IFAD
                  with participation of farmers                      allocation
                  in Bac Kan province
             22   Model of clubhouses in Dong   Vietnam  Collective   Collective form suitable to farmer   Publich
                  Thap province                      economy and rural   reality (conditins, need…)  management
             23   Model of Binh Minh    Vietnam      Cooperative     Cooperative of young ethnic people for  Cooperative
                  Cooperative of young               development amang  local developmnet
                  teenagers in Dak Lak province      young people at
                                                     ethnic rural regions
             24   Model of community tourism  Vietnam  Agricultural tourism Mobilisation of local values for   Local community
                  in Hoa Binh province                               income generation and environmental
             25   Model for linkage of   Vietnam     Cooperative     Cooperative for ethnic peoplen in   Private company
                  stakeholders of coffee value       development     development of commodity for income
                  chain in Son La province                           generation
             26   Co-management model of   Vietnam   Sustainable resource  Mobilising community in sustainable   Project
                  coastal aquatic resources in       management      resource management and
                  Thua Thien Hue province                            environmental protection
             27   Model of contract farming   Vietnam  Alliance in   Contract farming for milk production  Private company
                  at Moc Chau Milk in Son La         commodtty       among company and farmers
                  province                           development
             28   Model of Artichoke Tea   Vietnam   Alliance in     Alliance among stakeholders in   Private company
                  Production Alliance in Lam         commodtty       commodity development with
                  Dong province                      development     participation of WB and Provincial

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