Page 98 - Agricultural innovation
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Innovation models in agriculture and rural development in the Mekong Subregion countries such
as Cambodia, Laos or Vietnam are relatively diverse and abundant. The most visible breakthrough
models are those applying science and technology and 4.0 technology. They help to solve major
problems of agricultural production such as aquaculture technology, waste treatment technology in
livestock, or the application of digital technology and smart agriculture in irrigation, conservation,
etc. about plants or planting by drones, monitoring and warning pests. But there are models that
solve problems in the process of managing agriculture and rural development such as the clubhouses
model in cross-linking between farmers with similar interests, economic and technical groups in the
community extension system to models of large fields, landscape coffee, etc. The replicable models
differ in different areas, but they all bring very important strides in changing farmers’ thinking about
sustainable farming methods and developing commodity agriculture to meet the requirements of
domestic and foreign consumers. Some models have pervasive changes in thinking and perception of
actors in the value chain, and especially thinking about policy innovation and institutional innovation
such as savings credit for women, development community agricultural extension system, collective
economic development, etc.
However, in order to replicate the model, it is necessary to involve governments at all levels, scientists
and especially businesses in the role of leading the market and the agricultural sector in the process of
regional economic integration. Policies need to support science and technology enterprises in terms of
investment capital, production space or trade promotion to quickly bring these innovative advances
into reality, improving farmers’ incomes and livelihoods, especially the poor. In addition, models of
production organization related to issues of mechanism innovation should also be considered. Models
of institutional innovation can only solve certain aspects of life, but are very important in removing
obstacles and creating favorable conditions for development.
Nescafe Vietnam, 2022. Nestcafe Plan Programme.
Antonis Mavropoulos and Anders Waage Nilsen, 2020. Industry 4�0 and Circular Economy: Towards a Wasteless Future
or a Wasteful Plane�
CSSP Project in Bac Kan Province. Manual for Forest Land Allocation.
IDH, Coffee Landscape Development Project in Vietnam.
IFAD, Climate Smart Agricultural Handbook.
Le Minh Hoan and Bui Minh Huyen, 2022. Collective Economy and Collective Linkage under the view of clubhouses in
Dong Thap Province.
Country Reports of Cambodia.
Country Reports of Laos.
Country Reports of Vietnam.
Agricultural Innovation Review in CLV Countries 91