Page 96 - Agricultural innovation
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Figure 29. Artichoke garden in Da lat City
            Source: Labourer Newpaper

            buy back all of the farmers’ products. Farmers participating in this alliance include 45 artichoke
            growing households in wards No11 and No12 of Da Lat City. When building the Production Union,
            the households joined together to establish the model of the Artichoke Farmer’s Cooperative Group.
                The goals of this Alliance are:
                • Create  an  artichoke  production  model  that  is  supervised  from  production  to  consumption
                 based on a voluntary, long-term cooperation relationship between the company and the farmer’s
                 cooperative group.
                • Produce high quality products thanks to the good application of technical processes based on
                 VietGAP standards of farmers.
                • Stabilize and expand the number of households growing artichokes.
                • Raise income and create a stable life for farmers.

                • Expand and develop the company’s artichoke consumption market.

                This  Alliance  model  was  established  to  solve  the  difficulties  and  limitations  of  both  farmers
            and businesses. On the side of farmers: limited capital, lack of experience and new techniques in
            production, outdated farming practices and post-harvest handling, poor management skills, lack of
            product certification, poor quality artichokes, lack of market information, etc. meanwhile on the side
            of businesses: not yet self-sufficient in raw materials when developing the market on a large scale, the
            source of raw materials from farmers is not high quality, etc.
                Through the Alliance model, farmers are the main beneficiaries, including: support to invest in
            facilities (equipment, production materials), technical training to improve capacity, sustainable farming
            techniques, training in production according to VietGAP standards and post-harvest technology,
            ensuring selling price thanks to the contract with Ngoc Duy company.
                Farmer  households  participating  in  the  Artichoke  Tea  Production  Alliance  model  are  mainly
            small-scale producers. The total area of 45 farmer households participating in the model is nine ha
            (average 0.2 ha/household). Although the number of households and production scale is not large, it
            has shown the potential for replication of the model. The important point of the model is the linkage
            between farmers to implement the common production technical process, providing uniform and
            quality products, and the direct cooperation between farmers’ organizations and businesses. Industry

            Agricultural Innovation Review in CLV Countries                                                89
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