Page 99 - Agricultural innovation
P. 99
Appendix A. Main models on agriculture and rural development in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam
# Name Country Field Innovations Holder of Model
A Innovation models in agricultural science and technology
1 Eli-Seeder of Brooklyn Bridge Cambodia Mechanisation Introduction of machine in rice sowing Private company
in Cambodia machines
2 Model of hydroponic Laos Hydroponic High tech agriculture, easy controling Project
agriculture in Lao technology residues and clean product
3 Model of improving Laos Cropping technology Recovering of traditional crops Project
productivity of mandarin trees
in Nambak, Laos
4 Shrimp aquaculture Tomgoxy Vietnam High techonology in Change to scientific technology of Private company
at My Lan company in Tra aquaculture shrimp raissing, effective use of input,
Vinh province quality control, less carbon
5 Model of waste treatment in Vietnam Wastewater Using of electochemical technology, Private company
pig production in Thua Thien treatment low cost, high water quality
Hue province technology
6 Shrimp farming model in Vietnam Water treatment for High tech treatment of input water, Private company
Huetronics in Thua Thien Hue aquaculture reducing environmental pollution
7 Model of smart agriculture at Vietnam Introduction of Water level control in rice field, water Public
My Dong 2 Cooperative, Dong technology 4.0 saving, AWD irrigation, less carbon investment.
Thap province emissión Project
B Innovation models in sustainable agriculture
8 Model of blockchain Cambodia Sustainable Introduction of blockchain in Project
monitoring organic rice development production and trade management
farming in Cambodia
9 Model of Partnership for Cambodia Systematic Mobilisating stakeholders in Project
Sustainable Agriculture in management sustainable development
Cambodia (CPSA) of sustainable
10 Model of cricket farmim using Cambodia Introduction of solar Solar energy in houshold scale for job Project
solar energy in Cambodia energy in livestock and income
11 Organic Agriculture Laos Organic vegetables Organic production for environmental Project
Cooperative in Xiengkhuang, production production and consumption demand
12 Model of regenerative Vietnam Sustainable cropping Cropping on regenerative technology, Project
agriculture of Nescafe input cost reducing, emisions
Vietnam reduction
13 Landscape coffee model in the Vietnam Sustainable cropping Reducing monocrop agriculture in Project
Central Highlands coffee, crop and income diversity,
reducing marketing risk
14 Model of agricultural product Vietnam Trademark buiding Mobilising collective economy in Cooperative
branding at Thuan Phat trademark building, processing and
cooperative trading
15 Model of agriculture adapting Vietnam Climate change Introducing technology 4.0 for climate Cooperative
to climate change at Giong adaptation change warning on salinisation, pest
Trom in Ben Tre province control
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