Page 35 - Regional_rice_report_with_full_bookmarks
P. 35

                                                    THINK-TAKS FOR COUNTRIES IN MEKONG-SUB REGION” (NARDT)

                 To solve the above situation, there should be several solutions including:
          (1) accelerating land accumulation to increase household production scale; (2)
          encouraging development of farmer organizations; (3) promoting direct links between
          enterprises and farmers through farmer organizations in the construction of material

          2. Assessment of current demand and potential of domestic and export rice
          2.1 The current demand of the domestic market by country
          2.1.1 The current supply-demand balance by country

                        Table 12. Rice supply-demand balance by country

                                      Lao PDR     Cambodia       Thailand      Viet Nam
                            Unit    Year   Year    Year    Year    Year    Year   Year    Year
                                    2015  2020   2015   2020   2015   2020   2015   2020
          Area harvested  1000 ha   965    960   3025   3265   9444  10509   7704   7305
          Yield           ton/ha    3.17   3.14  2.67    2.9   2.54   2.72    5.73    6
          Paddy Production 1000 ton  3056  3016  8084   9480  23939  28580   44134  43810

          Total Supply    1000 ton  2573   1993  5165   6362  27370  23042   29143  30361
          Beginning Stocks  1000 ton  420   43    226   549    11270  3979   1259    1180
          Rice Production  1000 ton  1925  1900  4931   5783  15800   18863  27584  27381
          Imports         1000 ton  228     50     8     30    300    200     300   1800

          Total Distribution  1000 ton  2573  1993  5165  6362  27370  23042  29143  30361
          Consumption     1000 ton  2050   1850  3900   4300   9100  12700   22500  21450
          Exports         1000 ton   64     50   1050   1850   9867   6062   5088   6272
          Ending Stocks   1000 ton  459     93    215    212   8403   4280   1555   2639

                     Source: OECD and FAO (2022), USDA (2022), MAFF (2020).

                 Overall, all countries in the region have substantial rice amount enough to
          ensure national food security and provide to foreign markets. Viet Nam remains to be
          the biggest rice producer with the highest yield among the 4 countries at 6 ton/ha in
          2020 (Table 12). In 2020, Viet Nam overpass Thailand to be the biggest exporter. In
          general, Viet Nam and Cambodia are the two countries that witnessed the increase
          over the period 2015 – 2020 in all categories from production and consumption to
          export. Lao PDR data shown that this country has only ensured food security at low
          level as production output was only 50,000 tones higher than total consumption in
          2020. Lao PRD has been witnessing food shortages and increased poverty rate in the
          context of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020-2021. Laos’ poverty rate was 18.3% in 2019,
          and increased to 21.5%  in 2021 due to negative impacts of this pandemic.

                 In Thailand, domestic consumption has increased while export and storage
          has decreased in the same period. The decrease is attributed to the strong baht,

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