Research Reports

Increasing the return per unit area of planted maize crop through intercropping maize with legumes

On-farm trial aiming to increase return the return per unit area of planted maize crop through the intercroping with legumes was carried out in the farmers’s field in Houn district. Legumes were planted intercropping with maize after planting maize 80-90 days. There were 4 farmers participated in this trial, each farmers was used as a replication. With four treatments: three types of legume (soybean, mungbean and red bean) were used as three treatments and planting maize only (without intercropping) used as control. Total experimental area was 1.5 ha and the trial was carried out through two planting seasons during 2009 to 2010. The results of the experiment showed that planting mungbean intercropping with maize could get profit up to 8 million kip/ha, intercropping with red bean and soybean could get profit about 5.6 and 5.4 million kip/ha, respectively. While plating maize as single crop could only 3.8 million/ha. Furthermore PM&E was conducted after the trial has been completed. The results from this PM&E indicated that all participated farmers preferred intercropping legumes with legumes. Although planting soybean intercropping with maize gave less profit among those legumes, they preferred soybean intercropping. This was due to they used to planted soybean as cash crop in this area for long time and there was market available. Field observation found that farmers living in the lowland area in ties region they normally grow soybean in the paddy area after rice harvesting. Conclusion can be made that planting legumes intercropping with maize could maximize profit or great return per unit area of planted maize crop and this technique was accepted by participated  farmers. 


Singkham Nathphanla, Dr. Chay Bounphanousay, Bouavanh Chanthasombath, Dr. Vanthong Phengvichith