Research Reports

Assessing the Potential of Climate Smart Agriculture in Large Rice Field Models in Vietnam

Study period 2017 The group of authors project ‘Assessing the Potential of Climate Smart Agriculture in Large Rice Field Models in Vietnam’, including co – editors: Dr. Dang Cong Thang (IPSARD), Dr. Dang Kim Khoi, Do Huy Thiep, Vu Thi Lan, Thai Van Tinh (Researcher from the Center for Agricultural Policy), Valerien Olivier Pede (Senior Economist – International Rice Research Institute, Los Banos, Philippines).


This study assesses the economic, social, and environmental impacts of Large Field Models (LFMs) and their potential for promoting Climate – Smart Agriculture (CSA). In Vietnam, the government introduced the Large Field Model (LFM), a type of production organization, in which enterprises or cooperatives establish a cooperative relationship with famers to apply a unification production procedure by providing production inputs (including material and technical support) and/or buying outputs from producers. These LFMs can be classified under three different forms based on the extent of those linkages: (1) farmers contribute land and/or labour to farmer cooperatives; (2) farmers sign contracts with cooperatives or enterprises and receive inputs; and (3) farmers lease out/sell their land to cooperatives or enterprises. Although the key objectives of constructing LFMs come from requirements in improving rice quality and rice production efficiency, these models also have potential for applying CSA to achieve three CSA pillars: productivity, resilience and mitigation.


CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)