Best Practice Guidelines for Structural Measures and Flood Proofing
The Flood Management and Mitigation Programme
Component 2: Structural Measures & Flood Proofing in the Lower Mekong Basin
The reports texts have been categorised into four group. These groups are as follows:
- Project background/report information Text on the FMMP - Project and its background, or explanation on the report structure or content
- Theory behind the proposed/applied methohs and guidelines.
- Example of the proposed/applied methods and guidelines.
- Methodolog and theory adapted/applied to the Lower Mekong Basin (LMB), including guidelines. The guidelines are to be applied in one of the five project stages described below.
A project consists in general of five phases. This phase can be subdivided in the following five stages:
- Preliminary/pre - feasibility study
- Feasibility study and overall planning
- Preliminary design
- Detailed design and detailed planning
- Construction/bid documents
More detail
Mekong River Commission for sustainable development