Elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum), Erythrina (E. subumbran), Muntingia (M. calabura) and cassava foliage
Dry season rice cultivation on flat areas of stream banks aiming towards replacement of harmful shifting cultivation practices in the upland areas and to improve livelihoods.
Bong tree (Persea kurzii) plantation in slope area to increase forest canopy and to utilize the plantation areas for animal grazing such as cows and poultry.
forages, shifting cultivation, livestock production, Laos, participatory technology
Skilled facilitation opens new pathways
A particularly sensitive issue emerged around a livestock loan agreement initiated by a former high-ranking government official and a large Lao company. The company provides Brahman- Thai cross-bred cows to farmers who then pay back in-kind with calves. “Usually in three years we can give back to the company two calves and then the cow is
ours,” said Somsavang, a member of the group’s Board and owner of ten cross-breed cows. “But they require a lot more care then our native Lao cattle and need special feeding. Also, the company was not collecting their calves when they said they would and we had to continue to feed and care for them.”
Forging links, building bridges
An element of the CDAIS approach is building bridges between people. Connecting smallholders with government services means CDAIS projects will continue long after the funding ends. Based on the group’s plan, CDAIS facilitated a training-and-study tour to NAFRI’s pig research centre in Vientiane in November 2017.