Research Reports

Recommended low land rice varieties for Lao PDR

This document provides an up to date list of varieties and recommendations for Lao PDR which includes the recommended widely used and popular improved rice varieties, the recommended traditional varieties, some Thai recommended varieties and the most promising lines currently evaluated within the Lao PDR Rice Breeding Program . The varieties listed here are widely adapted and potentially high yielding, and are recommended for wide use. Several varieties are recommended and encouraged to grow for specific locations to minimize the risk of biotic and abiotic problems such as brown plant hopper, gall midge, blast, drought, flood, adverse soils such as Fe toxic and salinity. In wet and irrigated rice dry season, the recommendation is specific for different regions and provinces. The recommendation is further made separately for different terrace positions. The lower terrace position has generally fertile soils and can be flooded during the wet season. The end of growing period is generally longest in the lower terrace, and late maturing photosensitive varieties flowering time at the end of October are generally recommended. In year 2006, IRRI has successfully developed specific for Lao PDR TDK1 tolerance to flood (TDK1-Sub1) and widely use in Sebangfai plain and spread to others main plains for rice growing of central and southern of Laos. The middle terrace position occupies the largest area of rainfed lowland rice in Laos, and contains the largest number of recommended varieties. The area can be commonly affected by drought and flood. While TDK lines developed in Vientiane are suitable across most of the country, PNG lines developed in Champassak are popular in the Southern region. Similarly TSN lines developed in Savannakhet are popular in the Central-Lower region. The top terrace position drought may occur commonly in this position. Therefore the recommended varieties for top positions are commonly photo non-sensitive variety with quick maturing, or photo sensitive variety flowering time at the end of September-early October and possess some drought resistance. Often the dry season experiences relatively low temperature, and the growth of rice plants is prolonged. Therefore recommended varieties have shorter growing durations, and are suitable for dry season. To the year 2015 and 2020, Lao variety improvement research priorities focus on evaluation of Lao traditional varieties collected since 1995-2000, improve high yielding variety for rainfed lowland, irrigated dry season and aerobic rice condition, improve some main characters of Lao mega varieties such us resistance to blast disease, flood and drought tolerance in collaboration with IRRI and JIRCAS by using new generation tools. Develop DNA, grain quality pests and diseases laboratories. Develop the system screening for blast and bacterial leaf bight diseases, brown plant hopper and gall midge resistance; drought, flood and Fe toxic tolerance. Short and long terms training for Laos scientists. Re-improve the research network through the country and improve capacity building of the satellite stations.
