Innovation lab

Organic Agriculture Cooperative Model in Xiengkhuang province, Lao PDR

Regional research “Agricultural innovations review in Sub-Mekong region countries” in the framework of the project “Network for Agriculture and Rural Development Think-tanks for Countries in Mekong sub-region” – November 2022 - April 2023.

In 2009, the project funded by SIDA attempted to transform local farmers’ production from a conventional technique heavily reliant on the use of chemicals to organic production. So the project provide the technical support includes organic vegetable production, marketing, and strengthening organization management. Since then, the organic vegetable production group was voluntarily established and Bouachan Heuangvilay was selected as the group leader. The objectives of the production group are to provide a variety of clean vegetables to the domestic market with reasonable prices and increase the bargaining power of farmers. In the early beginning of the establishment, there are only 25 farm households from five villages joining the group. Due to its continuous growth, the status of the organic vegetable production group was upgraded to an agricultural association and changed to the organic agriculture cooperative in Paek district in 2014 and 2018, respectively. Currently, there are a total of 165 farm households from 18 villages being members of the organic agriculture cooperative. Half of its household members are doing commercialized production while the rest produces organic vegetables for their own consumption in the household.

The organic agriculture cooperative in Paek district is widely recognized by local authorities and the Lao farmer network. This cooperative is best known for strong organizational management, technical and financial support among members, and transparent financial management. The success of the organic agriculture cooperative in the Paek district is a meaningful lesson that other production groups and cooperatives can replicate.

The organic agriculture cooperative in Paek district brings a great benefit to farmers. The income of farmers increases significantly. Farmers can sell their organic vegetables with nearly two times of non-organic vegetables in the market. In addition, transforming from non-organic to organic production assists to reduce the health risks for farmers.

Click this link for detail information: Organic Agriculture Cooperative Model